
Tuesday 6 September 2011

An Anniversary Twirl & Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge Triple Layer Cake

Last week I celebrated 4 years with my lovely sweet toothed husband! I had done some background research to discover Twirl was his favourite chocolate bar of the moment! So imagine my delight when I spotted these little beauties in my local supermarket.  The idea for the rest of the cake began with these...

and grew into this....

Here's how it all started.  Bake your chocolate cake into 3 separate tins.  Once they are cooled, spread generous amounts of peanut butter frosting on top of each cake.

Smooth it out with a knife.

Crumble your mini Twirl bites to pieces and sprinkle them generously all over the frosting.

Sandwich your layers together.

Once the third layer has been added, side coat with more frosting.

Pour some chocolate fudge into the centre of your cake.  Be ready to guide some of it over the edge and be ready to stop any over enthusiastic drips too! For this you need to make sure your fudge is slightly runny so that it will move around but not so runny that your whole cake gets drenched in fudge! It's a fine balance!

Load up your piping bad with excess peanut butter frosting and pipe little swirls evenly around the edge of the cake. 

Adorn each swirl with a Twirl bite and a cut up Reece's Peanut Butter Cup respectively.  Of course if you get to be lucky enough to live in America you can just adorn with a mini pb cup which would be super cute but I didn't have that option!

Then I cheated slightly by making the disc on top at work, but I could have had one of the professionals who pipe discs all day long to pipe  my message and I chose not to.  I wanted it to be a labour of love, higgledy piggledy letter piping and all - that is something I definitely have to work on!

Byron loved it anyway! and we enjoyed more than several slices of it on our anniversary staycation in between all the other crazy amounts of treats we consumed!

So if you're looking for a rather delicious combo of creamy peanut butter and fudgy chocolate with a bit of flaked chocolate thrown in then this is the cake for you!

Here is the recipe for the chocolate cake part taken from my United Cakes of America book.

I used a double batch of my peanut butter frosting that goes like this:

2 cups Icing Sugar
1/4 cup semi-skimmed milk
1/4 cup unsalted organic unsalted butter
1/2 cup smooth organic peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Blend everything together until smooth. If you require a thicker consistency add more sugar, if you need it to be thinner add more milk.

and finished off with some milk chocolate fudge.  I can't tell you the recipe as it's a secret but I'm sure you can improvise with something you can find off of google!

Happy Baking!

P.S I'm sharing this over at Chef in Trainings blog along with tons of other yummy entries for Tuesday's Talents.  I have been drooling over the root beer float fudge she posted about - how good does that sound!


  1. Congratulations! Love the idea of a staycation - especially when it's in London ;-)

  2. omg this looks absolutely amazing, peanut butter and chocolate is the best combo :D

  3. This cake looks fab - well done! I haven't tried the twirl bites yet - I know I would just eat the whole packet in one go if I bought them! Let alone combining them with cake and peanut butter lol

  4. YUM! This looks so good!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again with more great projects!

  5. Happy Anniversary to both of you! This looks like my dream cake - chocolate, peanut butter and twirl! Bookmarking now.
