
Saturday 4 February 2012

S'mores Cheesecake and a Valentine's Cheesecake GIVEAWAY!

*** This giveaway is now closed ***

You may be thinking that for a person who spent a whole 5 months of her life baking and developing cheesecakes for The English Cheesecake Company last year, that my blog is severely lacking in cheesecake recipes...and you'd be right! 

Oh the fun I had and the flavours I dreamed up! I made a whole range of drinks cheesecakes - there was the milk and cookies: an oreo flavoured cheesecake topped with oreo cookies and gummy milk bottles! The coco cola flavoured cheesecake filled with popping candy and topped with fizzy cola bottles, the lemonade cheesecake topped with whole slices of lemon and giant sugar crystals that made it look like what you see when you peer into a giant jug of lemonade! and my personal favourite was the 'my cheesecake brings all the boys to the yard' - a strawberry milkshake flavoured cheesecake covered in gummy milkshakes. 

However, unfortunately I can't share any of those recipes with you since they are top secret! and one day down the line may be used by the company I was working for.  So I can develop my own recipes at home to share with you...but, my husband is not a cheesecake fan! and when you're making a full sized cheesecake and only one person is going to eat it - that's a problem! you can bet I would get crazy fat in no time at all.  

So bear with me, I'm trying as much as I can to ease cheesecake into our household gently! We had some Americans over for dinner and I knew we were going to rustle up some slow cooker pulled pork burgers with creamy corn and I wanted a suitably American dessert to finish off with.  I have had this recipe bookmarked for aaaages so I was more than excited to finally get around to using it! 

So what constitutes a s'mores cheesecake? a graham cracker base, which delighted the Americans we served it to because you can't actually buy graham crackers in regular supermarkets here! A super smooth and creamy milk chocolate baked filling topped with some ooey gooey toasted marshmallow.

One of our guests declared it the best cake ever, and for me it was definitely the best cheesecake I've tasted in a long time.  

You may notice it's not as aesthetically pleasing as it could have been, check out Tracey's beautiful version to see how it could look! One of the steps for the marshmallow topping is to use a hand held electric beater to whisk it whilst it is simmering in a pan above water.  I don't have a hand held beater and so I had to resort to doing it by you know how hard it is to whip marshmallow meringue into stiff peaks with only your muscles (or lack thereof) for power? Well, you can see how hard it is from the picture below because mine probably wasn't whipped as long as it should have been and so it wasn't as stiff as it could have been but it still tasted just as delicious! I also grilled mine, as I don't have a blowtorch and you can't get as nice a toasted effect but you definitely get the toasted taste coming through so it is worth doing it! Just keep a close eye on it, it gets toasty super quick! 

S'mores Cheesecake:

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 9-10 whole crackers)
3 tablespoons sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 

9 oz milk chocolate, chopped
2 8-oz packages cream cheese, at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup heavy cream, at room temperature
3 large egg, at room temperature 

1 cup sugar
2 large egg whites
3 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/8 teaspoon salt
12 large marshmallows, cut into quarters with wet kitchen scissors
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

To make the crust:  Preheat oven to 350 F.  Spray a 9-inch springform pan with nonstick cooking spray.  In a medium bowl, stir together the graham cracker crumbs and sugar.  Pour the melted butter over the mixture and stir until the crumbs are evenly moistened.  Press into an even layer in the bottom of the prepared springform pan.  Bake for 12 minutes, or until set.  Transfer the pan to a wire rack and cool to room temperature.  Reduce oven temperature to 325 F.

To make the filling:  Add the chocolate to a microwave-safe bowl and heat in 30 second intervals at 50% power, stirring in between each interval, until the chocolate is melted and smooth.  Cool until just barely lukewarm, stirring occasionally.

Combine the cream cheese, sugar, and salt in the bowl of your food processor and pulse until smooth. With the machine running, pour the heavy cream through feed tube and process just until blended. Again, with the machine running, add the melted chocolate and then the eggs, one at a time, blending and scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition until the mixture is smooth.  Pour the batter over the cooled crust. 

Bake for about 55 minutes, or until the outer edge is slightly puffed and the center is barely set (the center will jiggle slightly when the pan is gently shaken).  Transfer the pan to a wire rack.  Run a small sharp knife around the cake to loosen it from the pan.  Let cool slightly then refrigerate for at least 8 hours.  (I left mine uncovered in the fridge until it was cold, then used plastic wrap to cover the pan.) 

To make the topping:  In a large metal bowl (I used the bowl for my stand mixer), combine the sugar, egg whites, water, cream of tartar and salt.  Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water and whisk constantly until the sugar dissolves and the mixture feels hot to the touch, about 3 minutes.  Remove the bowl from the pan and add the marshmallows; let stand for a few minutes until the marshmallows soften.  Place the bowl back over the pan of simmering water and beat the topping with a hand mixer for 4-5 minutes, or until stiff, shiny peaks form.  Beat in the vanilla.

Let the topping cool just slightly (don't wait too long or it'll set and you won't be able to spread it).  Meanwhile, remove the sides of the pan from the cheesecake.  Transfer the topping onto the cheesecake; use a spatula to spread it to the edges.  Let stand for about 15 minutes, or until set.  Use a kitchen torch to toast the topping lightly.  (You could also do this under your broiler but keep a VERY close eye on it, it'll go from brown to burnt quickly.)  Transfer the cheesecake to the fridge and chill well before serving.

So that was my s'mores cheesecake but you're really here for the GIVEAWAY right?

Well since I know so many of my followers are cheesecake lovers! and since Valentine's day is right around the corner - how would you like to win some of these delicious and oh so cute mini Valentine's Cheesecakes courtesy of The English Cheesecake Company! They would make the perfect gift for that loved one in your life...or even the perfect gift if you wanted to treat yourself, shh I won't tell! 

When the postman arrived on my doorstep this morning bearing these cheesecake goodies it was more than a little exciting! and of course I had to taste test them to make sure they were up to scratch.  Let's have a run down of the flavours:

You get 4 varieties (3 of each in the box).  First up is a baked vanilla cheesecake on a crunchy biscuit base, topped with a dark chocolate fudge sauce and crushed up Oreos and an edible chocolate rose in the middle.

Next is a baked chocolate cheesecake on a chocolate biscuit base, topped with the fudge sauce and this time little bits of chocolate covered honeycomb and an edible chocolate rose.

The second baked vanilla cheesecake is topped with the fudge sauce and broken up pieces of chocolate flake along with the edible chocolate rose.

The final one to complete the lineup was my absolute favourite because Toblerone has got to be one of my favourite chocolates ever! So a baked chocolate cheesecake, on a chocolate biscuit base covered in fudge and big chunks of Toblerone is my idea of heaven! 

Words can't describe how delicious these cheesecakes truly were.  Sometimes for me I find cheesecake a bit boring and plain but these were anything but! I love the addition of the sticky fudge sauce which really adds something special and I love how chunky all the toppings are! 

So you want to try them too don't you?

To be entered into this competition for a chance to win these delights you just need to do one thing:
1. Like the English Cheesecake Company on facebook  and leave me a comment on this post telling me that you have done so.  

If you'd like to increase your chances you can have a bonus entry for:
2. Liking my brand new facebook page, again leave me a separate comment telling me you have done so.

If you really really want these cheesecakes you can have a 3rd entry by:
3. Retweeting this giveaway on Twitter, and then comment and let me know.

Each individual comment acts as a new entry so if you do all 3 things be sure to leave 3 comments.

Okay - are we all up to speed? You have 3 chances to win and your entries are valid up until Midnight on Wednesday 8th February.  The winner will be announced on Thursday 9th February, to ensure plenty of time for delivery for Valentine's Day.  Unfortunately this is open to UK residents only since those cheesecakes will not make it to you in an edible state if you live anywhere else! 

Good luck!


  1. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook.

  2. I have liked your page on Facebook.

  3. I have retweeted your message on Twitter. :D

  4. Love your s'more cheesecake! I'm going to buy some graham crackers when I go to USA soon.
    I have liked the english cheesecake company on fb. Would love to win this selection as the cheesecakes all look so delicious!!

  5. have liked your page on fb - great job!

  6. Mmmmmmm all the cheesecakes here look delicious! I've just liked the English Cheesecake Co on Facebook!

  7. I've just followed your Facebook page too...

  8. ...and retweeted your giveaway!! I hope I win...the cheesecake pics are making me hungry!! :-)

  9. Your cheesecake looks really really good and sounds delicious - had no idea you were such an expert on cheesecakes. With this in mind, how could I not try for the cheesecakes in your giveaway, they sound just the sort of thing CT would love - and, err, me too!

    I've liked the English Cheesecake Co, on Facebook.

  10. I've liked your page on Facebook

  11. The hotel I used to work in used to get there strawberry shortcake cake in for events. I loved it so much that on my 21st birthday the head chef ordered me in a box! That was a good hangover day..

    Anyway I have done all 3 because well I want to try these cheesecakes again! There website is amazing :) xxx

  12. that smores cheesecake looks to die for!!!! I like the fact that the marshmallow is squidgy soft :) I think we should make one at work! xx

  13. Yum yum!! Argh what an awesome job :) Sounds like so much fun! I wish I lived in the UK to get me some cheesecake :,(


  14. I liked the English cheesecake company on FB! I hope I win.

  15. oh gosh~ anything with smores is amazing!

  16. I have liked the English cheesecake com on FB.

  17. I liked the English cheesecake company on FB

  18. I have liked the English Cheesecake co on FB : )

  19. I have tweeted as @kelliefaggle


  20. I have liked your new facebook page, and oh wow so many great photos

  21. Oh fab giveaway I'm following your lovely blog
    following on both facebook pages and its tormenting me all these lovely pictures. Plus tweeting aswel

  22. Aww I'd love to recieve those they look delicious! I've long drooled over all the cheesecakes, but can't eat them being coeliac. Do you know if they ever intend to bake some on a GF biscuit base??

  23. I have liked both your Facebook pages. Your products look amazing and I want some NOW haha. Yum Yum. Well done on your work :) xx

  24. Your cakes all look amazing, I couldn't choose a favourite they all look delicious!

    I've followed your blog, found you on twitter and RT @julster55P, found you originally from facebook and am enjoying looking through your pictures.

    I'm baking this afternoon wish my creations looked as good as yours!

  25. I like English Cheesecake on Facebook

  26. I like you on facebook

  27. Have liked English Cheesecake on FB.

  28. Have rt'd on Twitter @FlorrieFloyd.

  29. I have liked cheesecake comp on Facebook... Natalie holland

  30. I have liked you on Facebook, (sorry think I may have posted one comment twice by mistake!) x

  31. I have retweeted on twitter @starcatch3r..... Many thanks for the awesome giveaway, so delicious x

  32. Brilliant recipe! And I've tweeted from @katecakeandbake to be in with a chance of winning!

  33. hi, they look amazing, i have liked English Cheesecake on FB Rachel Foster

  34. i liked your cupcake crazy page on fb rachel foster

  35. have liked the english cheesecake company :D

  36. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company facebook page :-)

  37. have also liked your page too :D

  38. I've liked your Facebook page 'Cupcake Crazy Gem' x

  39. I have liked your Cupcake Crazy Gem page too :-)

  40. Hi!

    I'm already a "liker" of the English Cheesecake Company on facebook :)

    @KookyKaty xx

  41. I'm liking you on Facebook :)


  42. ...& I like the English Cheescake Facebook page too! xxx (Joanna Krakowiak)

  43. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook!

  44. I have retweeted about your brilliant giveaway!

    @KookyKaty xx

  45. I liked the english cheesecake on facebook and your fb page :)

  46. Sophie Louisa Morris7 February 2012 at 13:58

    I have liked English Cheesecake Company on facebook :) ... Sophie Louisa Morris

  47. Hi, I've liked The Enlgish Cheescake Company on Facebook Xxx

  48. I have liked your English Cheesecake page on Facebook - James R Petley

  49. i have liked your new facebook page x

  50. I have liked the English Cheesecake page on Facebook x

  51. I've also liked Cupcake Crazy Gem's new Facebook page, loving the recipes, Thank You Xxx

  52. I have liked your Cupcake Crazy page on Facebook. - James R Petley

  53. I like you on Facebook, Twitter and I also like the English Cheescake Company on Facebook and Twitter...fingers crossed now x

  54. Sophie Louisa Morris7 February 2012 at 14:00

    I have also liked your cupcake crazy page :) .... I'm giving the S'mores cheesecake ago tomorrow... wish me luck!!! Sophie Louisa Morris

  55. I already like the English Cheesecake Company on facebook.

  56. Hi, I have 'Liked' The English Cheesecake company on Face Book

  57. I have tweeted your competition on twitter. - @JRPETLEY :)

  58. Already a fan of English cheesecake on facebook.

  59. Hi, I have liked English Cheesecake Company on Facebook

  60. Have also liked your FB page, would love to win these!!

  61. I like the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook

  62. I liked the English Cheesecake Company on FB

  63. Wow, so pleased to have found you being a Cheesecake lover and all! I'm already an English Cheesecake fan on Facebook....

  64. I liked the English Cheesecake company on FB

  65. And I'm now a fan of yours on Facebook too....

  66. Just liked Cupcake Crazy Gem :D

  67. Hi, I have liked the brand new Cupcake Crazy Gem Facebook page.

  68. Sophie Louisa Morris7 February 2012 at 14:04

    Tweeted too @Sophie_Morris xx

  69. I liked your Cupcake Crazy Gem page on Facebook!

  70. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company :)

  71. I liked The English Cheesecake Company on Facebook!

  72. Hi, Have liked both facebook pages. The prize looks too good to eat! But that won't put me off, lol!!!

  73. I have liked your FaceBook Page

  74. I've like it on Facebook.


  75. I have liked your page, and English Cheesecake on FB. Vicki Lancelotte.

  76. I've liked your own FB page as well x

  77. Uh-Oh! I have found a blog that is no good for my hips. That recipe looks gorgeous.

    I have been following The English Cheesecake Co on Fb for a while and am off to "like" you there too.

  78. Gemma Millington7 February 2012 at 14:06

    I've liked the English Cheesecake on FB - Gemma Millington

  79. Ive like the English cheesecake company page on Facebook :-) fingers crossed

  80. Gemma Millington7 February 2012 at 14:06

    I've liked your Facebook page - Gemma Millington

  81. Sharon Marie Wormald7 February 2012 at 14:06

    Sharon Wormald! Liked you on facebook and already like the cheese cake company!!Look lovely!!!! Yummy yummy!!! :-) xox

  82. Liked the English Cheesecake Facebook Page

  83. I've now liked your personal page cupcake crazy

  84. Liked cupcake crazy gem on facebook!

  85. Have now liked you on FB. Am off to have a read of your blog. But not before tweeting of course!

  86. And I've now RT'd your comp over on my Twitter page which is @ButtercreamDays - fingers, toes and everything crossed esp as Valentines Day is also my 14th Wedding Anniversary! xx

  87. I've just tweeted about this on twitter too... got to love the cheesecake! ;)

  88. oh my - i'm drooling...

    done step 1

  89. I am following you on Twitter and RT your post

  90. I have liked The English Cheesecake Company on Facebook

  91. and done step 3


  92. liked the cheesecake on facebook

  93. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company on facebook. I did tell my boyfriend to get me these and the response was a resounding no! Hope I win! :o) x

  94. ...and have RT'd the comp on Twitter.

    *crosses fingers*

  95. I liked the English Cheesecake company on Facebook :)

  96. Liked the cheesecake company on facebook!

  97. I like English Cheesecake Comp on facebook :)

  98. I have liked The English Cheesecake Company on facebook

  99. liked cupcake crazy on fb too

  100. Hiya I have liked your pake Cupcake Crazy Gem on facebook - Leigh-Ann Bailey

  101. I have also tweeted about your competition @lrbailey23 - Leigh-Ann Bailey

  102. I liked your cupcake crazy page on facebook, Joy Lewis!

  103. I have liked your Cupcake Crazy Gem page. These cupcakes would be a welcome break from my tough 3rd and final year of my nursing studies :-)

  104. I have also liked the English Cheesecake company facebook page!

  105. Followed you on Twitter. And Re-tweeted.

  106. I liked your page on Facebook - your cupcakes look great and i love this recipe for S'mores Cheesecake, yum!

  107. Follow the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook, have done for a bit, they are just LUSH.

  108. Oooh - I'm dogwithnobrain on Twitter,

    Helen Cruse on Facebook.

  109. I liked The English Cheesecake company on Facebook!

  110. Have liked English Cheesecake x

  111. Have liked your facebook page x

  112. Hi, i hjave liked the English Cheesecake company! My partner would love these, he doesn't like cake- weird!

  113. Liked English Cheesecake Company on Facebook

  114. I have liked your facebook page x

  115. I have liked the English Cheesecake co x

  116. I liked both the Facebook pages, Jennie Latto ;)

  117. Liked the english cheesecake company ( Tina Holmes ) @supermommy1983

  118. I have liked the English cheese cake page on facebook.

  119. i have liked your facebook page

    michelle atkinson

  120. I have liked your page on facebook.

  121. I love cheesecake, have liked and shared your pages and will tweet : ))

  122. I have liked your Facebook page

  123. I have liked your page on English Cheesecake Company

  124. I have Liked Cupcake Crazy Gem, Now I am hungry!

  125. I allready like the English Cheesecake Company & i've liked your page on Facebook...scrummy yummy it is too :))))

  126. I've done it too - please re4member the prize has to come to me --- for medicinal purposes of course :-)

  127. i liked your facebook page

  128. also liked your new facebook..loving your stuff

  129. I have retweeted your giveaway on Twitter.
    user name: @1953barbie

  130. i will be tweeting about you too

  131. Liked both and re-tweeted (@StilettoLady)

  132. I've liked your page on FB.

  133. liked on fb off to do twitter @rachclynch

  134. I have liked the ECC on Facebook!!! They look so and your FB page.xx

  135. I've also liked the English Cheesecake Company's FB page...

  136. liked on fb off to do twitter now @rachclynch

  137. And I've tweeted from @natasha_oae :) Yum yum yuum!

  138. I have liked your page on facebook! =] Love English Cheesecake Company! Rebecca Turner xx

  139. I have liked your page on facebook =] Love the English Cheesecake Company! Rebecca Turner xx

  140. wow what a lush prize thanks ..have liked fb page good luck all
    shazza andrews fb

  141. Already following English Cheesecake on FB.

  142. I have liked English Cheesecake Company on facebook too! Rebecca Turner xx

  143. Loving ur Cupcake Crazy page on FB

  144. have liked your face book page

  145. And about to tweet about this crazy giveaway @cluckyhen0

  146. Enter my giveaway to win some super cute and delicious mini Valentine's Cheesecakes! retweeted from @mishel2701
    liked and shared on my wall your new fb page:)
    already liked the English Cheesecake Company :) x

  147. Liked your page on FB

  148. have liked your other facebook page cupcake crazy gem

  149. I've liked both pages on Facebook :)

  150. Hi have like your scrummy cheesecakes on Facebook
    look lovely
    Sue Walsh

  151. Liked the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook.

  152. I have liked the page and I love the look of those cheesecakes!

  153. Already a liker

  154. I've liked it, they look fab fb Mandy Benham

  155. liked fb page and everything looks amazing

  156. Hey, have liked the 'English Cheesecake Company' facebook page. Louis Kearton

  157. Hey I have liked your 'Cupcake Crazy Gem' facebook page. Louis Kearton

  158. I have liked English Cheesecakes on FB. My that Smores cheesecake looks good!

  159. Also liked your Cupcake Crazy Gem page on fb

  160. Ooooh, I've liked your page and the English Cheescake company's page and I'm just about to re-tweet, yummy looking prize.

  161. Have liked both FB pages and retweeted. Makes me hungry just looking at the photos so yummy. SG @gintaps

  162. I already liked the English cheesecake company on Facebook... *fatty* thanks! On my way to like the others and tweet!

  163. I have also liked your Facebook Page

  164. And now I like you on fb too!!!

  165. Already a fan of the Cheesecake Co. on FB

  166. liked the English Cheesecake Company page on Facebook

  167. Liked both pages and shared too, Brilliant flavours, really spoilt for choice

  168. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company on FB :)

  169. Liked Cupcake Crazy Gem on facebook

  170. they look soooooooo yummmy nummmy and love your fb page xx

  171. I already love you on Face Book, Tracy Grant

  172. Loving your new cupcake crazy Face Book page, gorgeous yummy looking cakes, Tracy Grant

  173. Retweeted on twitter

  174. I have liked the English Cheesecake Company on Facebook

  175. Have tweeted - here's a link to the status!!/bev_metallica/status/166895529027043328

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  176. I have liked your page on Facebook.

  177. I have liked you on Facebook!

  178. I have liked English Cheesecake Company on Facebook!

  179. I not only 'like' both pages... I LOVE YOU :) you're awesome!!
