
Sunday 14 August 2011

Lola's Chocolate Sundae Brownie Cupcake & an awesome husband!

When Lola's announced that their cupcake special for the month of August was the Chocolate Sundae I knew I had to get to Selfridge's as fast as I could! infact I ventured there on the 3rd August but life has been so busy I've only just had a minute to blog about it now!! You see chocolate brownie cupcakes are just about one of my favourite cupcake flavours and when you pair it with vanilla pod buttercream - that to me is near perfection! and is actually one of my signature cupcake combos

Apparently 'Sundaes' were invented to overcome the law against ice cream consumption on Sunday's in the crazy is that! As you may recall, before we left for the Caribbean we had started up a little family tradition of 'Sundae Sunday' where we made different flavoured Sundae's each week.  That weekly event is on hold for now but rest assured in less than a months time when we move to Bangor and have our own happy little home again it will definitely be in full swing!

So back to the cupcake! this was hands down one of the best Lola's specials I've had in a while.  The brownie cupcake itself was the perfect combo of a moist fudgy centre (as showcased in the photo above) with a crunchy outer layer.  The vanilla pod frosting was delish and it was finished off with chocolate sauce, nuts and cherries.  I'm not a glace cherry lover, I've never met many people who are but I understand the association with Sundae's so I get why they used it, however mine stayed on my plate.

It was a fun little cupcake pit stop I made at Selfridge's...made even more fun by some accompanying Kings of Leon tunes on my cupcake covered iPod!! Here's where the awesome husband part of this post comes in.  A few weeks ago, I found myself at Paperchase on Tottenham Court Road.  They always have a rather large sale section and there were tons of various cupcake items on offer! I spotted, and fell in love with this iPod cover so I snapped it up instantly! I had left my iPod back in Milton Keynes that particular week so the following weekend when I went back I pulled the cover out of my bag and excitedly showed it to Byron.  He instantly dismissed it as he told me my iPod was too old and would not be compatible with the cover!! I was sooo disappointed! So the following weekend my awesome husband came to London to spend the weekend with me and he told me he was bringing a surprise...and what do you know he brought me a brand new iPod and not just any iPod this was a purple iPod!! and of course it meant it could fit my lovely new cupcake cover too!

so I thought I would share a little picture of it with all you cupcake lovers out there too...isn't it cute, and isn't my husband just the best for not only putting up with my cupcake obsession but feeding into it as well!


  1. The cupcake looks awesome, I have to get one for myself too! You definitely have a great husband, what a lovely surprise. Love the new ipod cover too :)

  2. Awwww husbands! You've got to love them haven't you? Mr CC merely raises his eyebrows and sighs quietly when I come home with YET ANOTHER new cake tin!

  3. looks so yummy :D

  4. Such a great surprise! Btw, I love the cupcake, I am craving.
