
Friday 27 May 2011

Double Chocolate Cheesecake

So you can expect cheesecake to feature alot more on my blog these days! because I have got into it in a BIG way! I have been eating different flavour slices daily...getting to know our range and everything! and also designing new flavours on a weekly basis - it is all super exciting!

...and is if my job couldn't get any better, I also got to do a spot of photography this week too!
This cheesecake was baked by my sister, but it is going to be published in a recipe book.  I'm not sure of the exact details yet but when I know I will be sure to pass them on so you can all rush out and buy it! The professional photographer they usually use wasn't around and they needed to get the photo sent off a.s.a.p so I stepped in!

It's an exciting life I'm leading here, and sometimes I do admit that I don't feel like baking in the evenings when I've been doing it all day...who knew baking all day long could be so tiring! so I have neglected my own baking somewhat but I have made up for that this week by baking tons of goodies, it felt so good to be baking cupcakes again last night even if I had to stay up til after midnight to finish them off!

I will be posting all my goodies this weekend so be sure to come back and check them out.  Hope all my UK followers have a great bank holiday weekend and enjoy the extra day off to do something fun!


  1. Sounds like an absolute dream job! Look forward to seeing what you've baked

  2. Your job sounds like the perfect job to me!
    The cheesecake looks really delicious, congrats to your sister for having it published in a recipe book (how cool is that!)!
    Oh, and I happen to love cheesecake so bring it on ;-)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Looks gorgeous! I know what you mean about baking and eating all day. I couple of years back I spent a year doing product development for my food course at uni. I was eating puddings and fruit desserts A LOT. At first it was great but by the end it took about 6 months before I got back into puds again.
    How exiting that one of your photos will be published - well done!
    Can't wait to see your new cupcake too. Have a great weekend

  4. it looks gorgeous... i love cheesecake, definitely the best dessert going, but i usually make fruity ones :D
